Feb 10, 2025  
2017-2019 Academic Catalog 
2017-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Dillard University admits applicants who possess high standards of scholarship, serious and realistic educational goals, potential for service and leadership, and the personal characteristics of honesty, loyalty and self-respect. The University does not make any distinction as to religion, race, or gender in the admission of its students.

Application for Admission

An application processing fee should accompany the application for admission. This fee is nonrefundable.

The application fee schedule is:

  • $36 (Freshmen and Transfer applicants)
  • $55 (International applicants)
  • $25 (Re-Admit applicants)

Checks, money orders or cashier’s checks by mail are accepted.  Payment should be payable to Dillard University. Checks, money orders or cashier’s checks by mail are accepted. Cash payments are accepted in person at the Cashier’s office. Credit card payments are also accepted in person or online at www.dillard.edu. Click the “Make Payment” link on the homepage.

The completed application should be returned to the Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming before July 1 (Fall) or December 1 (Spring) of the year the student expects to enroll. Under certain circumstances, later applications will be considered.

Requests for additional information on admissions should be sent to:

The Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming
Dillard University
2601 Gentilly Boulevard
New Orleans, LA 70122

Freshmen Requirements

High school graduation with a:

  • GPA: 2.50 or higher (unweighted on a 4.00 grading scale)
  • ACT: 18 composite or higher
  • SAT: 960 Evidence Based Reading and Writing.
  • GED: 450 or higher for tests taken before 2014.  After 2014 the score must be 150 or higher.

HiSet test takers must score no less than an 8, on each subtest with minimum total score of 45.

All first year applicants must submit an official transcript from a secondary school for review to the Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming. A final high school transcript indicating a graduation date (i.e. May 25, 20xx) must be sent to the Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming prior to the start of New Student Orientation (SOAR) indicating satisfactory completion of the following coursework:

  • English 4 Units
  • Mathematics 3 Units (to include Algebra I, II, and Geometry)
  • Natural Sciences 3 Units (including laboratory components)
  • Social Studies 3 Units
  • Academic Electives 6 Units (World Language desired but not required)

If an applicant does not meet the minimum requirements for admission, their application for admission will be considered with the submission of a personal statement (3-5 paragraph essay outlining aspirations and goals) and two (2) letters of recommendation that speak to the student’s academic ability and potential to succeed.

Entrance Examinations

All applicants for admission to the freshman class are required to submit scores from a standardized entrance examination to support the academic information supplied by the secondary school. Dillard accepts scores from either the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Testing (ACT).

Testing procedures, dates and locations can be obtained from the high school counselor or at ACT.org or Collegeboard.com.

Admissions Review Committee

Students who do not meet the minimum requirements for admission are referred to the Admissions Review Committee. The Admissions Review Committee will review qualifications and application packages to determine whether additional predictors of success exist as a basis for conditional admission into the university.  Other factors, such as choice of degree program, rank in class, scores on required tests (SAT or ACT), credit in advanced placement and honors courses, pattern and quality of courses, grade trends, educational objectives, extracurricular activities, personal essay and school recommendations will be considered in the review process. In addition, special talents, significant life and career experience will be evaluated and weighed before decisions to offer admission are made. Student who are conditionally accepted by the Admissions Review Committee must enroll at their local community college and successfully pass (C or higher) the approved developmental courses in Reading, English or Math. Student must meet our admissions requirements and also have the following sub scores in order to be consider for regular acceptance.

  • Reading: 18 or higher ACT or 500 or higher SAT
  • English: 19 or higher ACT or 500 SAT or higher SAT
  • Math: 20 or higher ACT or 520 SAT or higher SAT


College Board Advanced Placement Program

Students who have participated in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board may receive credit for each examination in which the minimum passing score was earned. If a student earns a grade of three, four, or five, he/she may be granted credit in the subject areas. Advanced Placement scores below three are not acceptable for course credit. These credits are counted as hours earned and may be applicable toward fulfilling degree requirements. These credits are not factored into the student’s grade point average. Students who have participated in this program and who plan to register at Dillard University should have their Advanced Placement Examination records sent to the Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming.

The following is a sample grid of Advanced Placement course equivalency at Dillard University:

Department Minimum A.P. Score Credit Hours Dillard Courses
Art 3-D Design 3, 4, or 5 3 ART 103  
Art Drawing 3, 4, or 5 3 ART 216  
Art History 3, 4, or 5 3 ART 305  
Biology 3, 4, or 5 4 BIO 101 /BIO 101L  (Non-STEM Majors)
BIO 111 /BIO 111L  (STEM Majors)
Calculus AB 3 or 4 3 MAT 201  
Calculus BC 5 6 MAT 201 /MAT 202  
Chemistry 3, 4, or 5 4 CHE 111  /CHE 111L  
Computer Science 3, 4, or 5 3 CS 101  
Economics Micro 3, 4, or 5 3 ECO 202  
Economics Macro 3, 4, or 5 3 ECO 203  
English 3 or 4 3 ENG 111  
English 5 6 ENG 111  & ENG 112  
Environmental Science 3, 4, or 5 4 BIO 207 BIO 207L  

French, German or Spanish

World Language

3 or 4 3 FFR 121 FGR 121  or FSP 121  

French, German or Spanish

World Language

5 3 FFR 122 FGR 122  or FSP 122  
Physics I 3 or 4 4 PHY 201 PHY 201L  
Physics II 5 8 PHY 201 /PHY 201L  & PHY 202 /PHY 202L  
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 3, 4, or 5 4 PHY 230 PHY 230L  
Physics C: Mechanics 3, 4, or 5 3 PHY 310  
Psychology 3, 4, or 5 3 PSY 101  
Sociology 3, 4, or 5 3 SOC 101  
Statistics 3, 4, or 5 3 STA 205  
United States Government & Politics 3, 4, or 5 3 POL 201  
United States History 3, 4, or 5 3 HIS 201  
World History 3, 4, or 5 3 HIS 101  

Credit can only be awarded if course prerequisite requirements are met. Additional information on Dillard course equivalents may be obtained from the Office of Academic Affairs.

Courses which have been identified by the high school as honors, advanced placement, accelerated, gifted, talented, or International Baccalaureate, will be evaluated on a 5-point scale. A minimum grade of “C” or above is required to earn the additional quality point(s). The results of Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate examination subject areas must be submitted to the Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming prior to enrollment.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Equivalency Table

IB-International Baccalaureate • A number of American and secondary schools abroad participate in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. This is a comprehensive two-year curriculum leading to examinations and a possible IB diploma if the requirements of the full program are satisfied.

Students are encouraged to submit their IB diploma record or examination results with their application to the University for evaluation. Advanced placement credit may be granted in appropriate subjects to freshmen who earn a grade of 4 or better on the IB higher level examinations. Credit is not allowed for IB subsidiary level examinations.

Policies governing minimum required scores and the acceptance of credit of IB examinations are established by the National Council on the Evaluation of Foreign Credentials and by the appropriate academic departments.

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme is a challenging two-year curriculum, which leads to the awarding of college credit as listed below:

Subject HL1-HL3 HL4 HL5 HL6 HL7
English A1 No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours
Foreign Language B No credit 3 credit hours in elementary language 6 credit hours in elementary language 6 credit hours in elementary language 6 credit hours in elementary language

Foreign Language A2

No credit 3 credit hours in elementary language 6 credit hours in elementary language 6 credit hours in elementary language 12 credit hours in elementary/intermediate language (following department review)
History No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours
Geography No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours
Economics No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours
Mathematics No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours
Music No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours
Biology No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours
Chemistry No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours
Physics No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours
Computer Science No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours
Psychology No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours
Theatre Arts No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours
Other HL’s No credit 3 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours 6 credit hours

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Credit by Examination is a program allowing students the opportunity to gain academic credit for prior learning they have acquired by self-study or experience. Tests may be taken in many subject areas, and credit may be earned by achieving acceptable scores on these tests. Benefits include saving tuition dollars and shortening the time it takes to earn a degree. Approximately 2,900 postsecondary institutions now offer credit on the basis of CLEP examinations annually. The CLEP exams include General Examinations and Subject Examinations. Both are designed to measure factual knowledge and understanding, problem-solving ability, and mastery of college-level, introductory course content in a wide range of disciplines.

CLEP Test Examination:

  • A maximum of 21 credit hours by CLEP may be accepted.

Credits that may be earned by taking the CLEP test listed on the following table.

Composition and Literature Tests    
American Literature 50 6 credits
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 6 credits
College Composition 50 3 credits
College Composition Modular 50 3 credits
English Literature 50 6 credits
Humanities 50 3 credits
Foreign Languages    
French Language 50, ›62 3-9 credits
German Language 50, ›63, ›70 3, 9, 12 credits
Spanish Language 50, ›63, ›70 3, 9, 12 credits
History and Social Sciences    
American Government 50 3 credits
Human Growth & Development 50 3 credits
Introduction to Educational Psychology 50 3 credits
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 3 credits
Principles of Microeconomics 50 3 credits
Introductory Psychology 50 3 credits
Introductory Sociology 50 3 credits
Social Sciences and History 50 3 credits
U.S. History I: Early Colonization’s to 1877 50 3 credits
U.S. History II: 1865 to the Present 50 3 credits
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 50 3 credits
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present 50 3 credits
Science and Mathematics    
Biology 50 4 credits
Calculus 50 3 credits
Chemistry 50 4 credits
College Algebra 50 3 credits
College Mathematics 50 3 credits
Natural Sciences 50 3 credits
Precalculus 50 3 credits
Information Systems and Computer Applications 50 3 credits
Introductory Business Law 50 3 credits
Financial Accounting 50 3 credits
Principles of Management 50 3 credits
Principles of Marketing 50 3 credits

Dual or Concurrent Enrollment

Applicants who have participated in “concurrent enrollment” programs while in high school may transfer credit hours to Dillard. Students must earn a grade of “C” or above to be considered for transfer credit.  Developmental courses are not considered transferable, but are used for course placement within the enrollment process.  An official transcript from the college or university must be sent to the Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming.


Re-admit Applicants

Students who drop out / withdraw for any reason and would like to re-enrolle Dillard University must submit an application for re-admission, if they have not been enrolled for two or more consecutive semesters, those students who have not been enrolled for only one semester are excluded from this process and must see their academic advisor. If a re-admit applicant has enrolled at any other institution since their last attendance at Dillard, the student must submit all official transcripts to the Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the readmit process by submitting the following documents to the Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming.  The process below (excluding the re-admission application) only pertains to those students who left Dillard University with a grade point average below a 2.00 or were on academic probation or suspension. If the applicant has attained a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or above and have no academic suspension or probation holds on their account, readmission will be granted by the Office of Recruitment, Admission and Programming.

Re-admit applicants are considered as those students who have been previously enrolled, not students who have previously applied.  Those students should complete either a first-year or transfer student application.

1. A completed Readmission application with $25.00 application fee

2. Letter of appeal. 3-5 paragraphs explaining any hardships or challenges that might have hindered academic success while at Dillard University.


Transfer Applicants

Applicants desiring to transfer to Dillard University with advanced standing must submit the following credentials to the Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming.

  1. Admission application with $36.00 application fee
  2. Official transcripts from all accredited institutions of collegiate rank that the student has attended. Students with a grade point average with at least a 2.00 from the current/last college attended will be considered for acceptance into Dillard University.
  3. Applicants with less than 24 transferable credits are required to submit high school transcript or GED scores AND ACT/SAT scores.  Applicants over the age of 23 are excluded from submitted ACT or SAT scores.

The University evaluates the transcripts of transfer applicants in accordance with its own courses of study and requirements for graduation. Transfer evaluations will be completed once the student has completed the application for admission, paid the $36.00 application fee, and have submitted their official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended. Applicants should note, that Dillard University accepts a maximum of 60 credit hours of transfer work and that students must complete at least three-fourths of the courses required in their field of concentration at Dillard. Only those courses in which a student has received a grade of C or better, will be considered for admission. Transfer applicants must be in good academic standing at their previous institution. Students who are under suspension from another institution are not eligible for admission. The final official transcript from the current/last institution attended MUST NOT include any work in progress on the transcript for any course.

International Applicants

Dillard University welcomes applicants from countries outside the United States. An applicant who is not a citizen of the United States or who does not possess a permanent residential visa is considered an international applicant.

In addition to the general requirements for admission, international applicants must:

  1. Present evidence of the ability to speak, write, and adequately understand the English language. Applicants from countries where English is not the native language must submit an acceptable score of 550 or above (213-Computer Based or 80-Internet Based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Applicants who are unable to obtain a TOEFL bulletin and registration form locally should write to TOEFL, 660 Rosedale Rd., Princeton, New Jersey 08541.
  2. Submit the results of American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
  3. If your academic credentials are from an institution outside of the United States, you are required to provide a course-by-course evaluation of all post-secondary credentials. Transcripts evaluated from another service recognized by National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) will be reviewed by the Office or Recruitment, Admissions, and Programming. Available listing of NACES members, may be found at http://www.naces.org/members.htm. It is your responsibility to provide the necessary paperwork and payment to NACES agency, and to request a copy of the report is sent to the Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming at Dillard University. The completed evaluation report must be received by the appropriate admission deadline. The evaluation copy provided to Dillard University becomes an official academic record document and the sole property of the University upon receipt.
  4. Applicants from Canada and the Caribbean Islands are exempt from this requirement and may submit transcripts and CXC results (if applicable) directly to the Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming.
  5. Students who have taken the Oxford/Cambridge Advanced Level Examinations and have attained passing grades (A-C), may be eligible for college credit in equivalent courses in certain subject areas as determined by the dean of the academic area.
  6. Submit proof of financial capability by having a sponsor who will accept full financial responsibility for the duration of his or her enrollment and by a) depositing to the University a sum that is equal to the applicable tuition and/or housing deposit for the intended semester of enrollment. b) depositing to the University the required tuition, fees, room and board payment as set by the University for fiscal clearance for all students no later than 30 days prior to the first day of the last SOAR session.

The I-20 Immigration Form will not be issued until the applicant has been admitted and has remitted the appropriate payment for tuition and fees to attend Dillard University. It is advisable for all international applicants to apply well in advance of the expected term of enrollment to facilitate the processing of records and the issuance of the I-20 Immigration Form. In compliance with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service, all international applicants must include their home address from the country of origin. All admissions information will be sent to this address, unless the applicant is presently residing in the United States. Students should check the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service website at http://uscis.gov for the latest information concerning becoming a student in the United States.

Special Applicants

Evening Program

Students interested in the evening program submit minimum requirements (first year or transfer) and submit all required documents for admission to the University and are permitted to elect the courses for which they qualify. Such students have the same class privileges and responsibilities as other students, and are required to observe all University regulations governing students.

Matriculating Special Students

Students who have already earned a college degree either at Dillard University or at another college or university may apply to matriculate for a second degree. Interested students should confer with the dean of the college in which they plan to pursue a second degree.

Non-Matriculating Special Students

Non-Matriculating students are not candidates for a Dillard degree, though they may receive college credit for the courses they take. They must meet minimum requirements for admission to the University and are permitted to elect the courses for which they qualify. Such students have the same class privileges and responsibilities as other students, and are required to observe all University regulations governing students.

Transient Students (Special Visiting)

Students in good standing at an accredited college or university may be admitted to Dillard University as transient students for a specified period of time, usually not more than one term.

A statement by the Academic Dean or University Registrar of the applicant’s regular college indicating good standing and approval of the desired courses are required. It is the responsibility of transient students to check with the academic college offering the desired courses at Dillard to determine if they have met course prerequisites and/or have the necessary preparation to take the course(s). Transient enrollment does not constitute formal matriculation. If at any time transient students desire to change their status and enroll as degree-seeking students, they must complete a formal application and meet the admission requirements as transfer applicants.


(Student Orientation, Advising and Registration, SOAR)

All new students are required to attend the Dillard University Student Orientation, Advising and Registration (SOAR) for the semester in which they have received written notification of acceptance. SOAR is designed to provide all new students-whether freshman, transfer, resident, commuter, or non-traditional student-with an array of programs and workshops. These activities introduce new students to Dillard University and prepare them for a successful college experience.

Class schedules will be issued to students after May (Fall enrollment) and December (Spring enrollment) upon receipt of their $150 enrollment fee. It is important that all applicants submit ALL first year or transfer credentials for course placement. Including but not limited to, correct academic major, ACT/SAT scores, high school transcript, college transcript, AP/IB test results etc. 


Deferment Process

Applicants who have been offered admission into Dillard University may request to defer their enrollment for up to one academic term (Fall, Spring or Summer) by submitting a new application for admission. Academic scholarships will also be honored within the same academic year the scholarship was offered as long as the student’s academic credentials do not change within said timeframe.  


Notification of Admission

New students are admitted prior to the start of each academic semester. Dillard University operates on a rolling admission basis and applications are reviewed throughout the year. Applicants will be notified in writing of their admission status, once the application process has been completed. Under no circumstances should applicants present themselves for registration without having received written notification of acceptance.  Dillard University reserves the right to rescind your acceptance into Dillard University for reasons related to academic or discipline at any time.