Feb 13, 2025
FYS 102 - First Year Seminar II1 cr. A continuation of FYS 101 The First Year Seminar course at Dillard is meant to promote students’ academic success and introduce them to Dillard’s academic culture, the wide range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary programs of study, and opportunities for intellectual and imaginative enrichment. The seminar will complement the advising that students will receive from their School or program by acquainting them with processes such as registration and choosing a major, policies such as grading, the General Education Requirements, extracurricular activities at the university and the various academic and personal support services available to them. It will also complement the research and writing skill sets addressed in the English language and composition sequence and new information literacy initiatives through the Dillard University library. The seminar will stress the importance of academic integrity, developing study skills, good habits of learning, attending class and tutorials regularly, as well as making use of all means of mastering course material. It will introduce Dillard’s many opportunities for undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative work, and the possibilities offered by internships, peer mentoring and study abroad.
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