Mar 28, 2025  
2023 - 2025 Academic Catalog 
2023 - 2025 Academic Catalog

Financial Information


Expenses and Fees

All students are required to pay full tuition, fees, and related expenses when they register based on established due dates as listed in the Academic Calendar. A student has not officially completed registration until all tuition requirements and applicable fees have been paid and certified by the Bursar Office. If registration is not completed during the designated times, the student must pay a late registration fee.

The University reserves the right to change, with due notice, any of the expenses listed and to withhold statements, grade reports, transcripts, diplomas, etc., until all indebtedness to the University has been discharged or until satisfactory arrangements have been made with the Bursar Office. No student will be allowed to register if prior indebtedness has not been satisfied.

Any communications concerning expenses and fees should be directed to:

Division of Business and Finance
Bursar Office
Dillard University

2601 Gentilly Boulevard
New Orleans, Louisiana 70122-3097
Phone: (504) 816-4654
Fax: (504) 816-4443

The current tuition fee and room and board rates can be found online at

Tuition Overload - All students will be charged an “overload tuition fee” if the student’s schedule exceeds eighteen (18) hours in a semester. The student will be charged at the “per semester hour’ rate for each hour over eighteen hours. Students electing to pursue course overloads (even those recommended in the course curriculums) will be responsible for all overload charges, including those students receiving full institutional scholarships.

Room and Board

Students will not be permitted to check into the residence halls without obtaining fiscal clearance for each registration period. No room will be held for a student after the second day of registration. The room contract is for the academic year. Students who claim their room assignment and key for the fall semester agree to remain a resident hall student throughout the full year and will be charged for both fall and spring semesters, provided that they are academically enrolled for both fall and spring semesters. Rooms are provided with principal articles of furniture, but students supply linen, pillows, blankets, their study lamp and other accessories. A student’s property in residence halls and in other university buildings is there at the sole risk of the owner. All residential students are encouraged to secure private rental insurance.

Students will be financially responsible for any property and community damages. The Office of Residential Life may assess students for property or community damages, and the student will be responsible for this additional cost.

Students residing on campus are required to purchase the meal plan. Any unused portion of the meal plan is forfeited at the end of each semester, and cannot be used in the succeeding semesters. Balances on the meal plan are not transferable. The meal plan is non-refundable. The student identification card will serve as the meal card. Student ID cards are issued to all students. The card will be activated for use in the University Dining Hall once the student is officially registered and has obtained fiscal clearance.

Special Fees

  • The following fees are in addition to the basic expenses for the year (tuition, room, board), are due and payable at the beginning of each semester (or one-time, or as otherwise indicated), and are non-refundable.
  • Application Fee - $36 - Required of all students who apply for admission.
  • International Application Fee - $55 - Required for international students who apply for admission.
  • Re-admit Application Fee - $25 - Required for readmission of former students.
  • Graduation Fee - $450 - Charged to all students applying for graduation.
  • Student Identification Card Replacement Fee - $40
  • Late Registration Fee - $163 - fall and spring, $54 summer. Charged to all students who fail to complete their registration, which includes the payment of fees, and the validation of schedules at the time designated by the University.
  • Mandatory Fees - $637 for fall and spring, $202 summer - Charged to all students for student activity, recreation, student health, and technology.
  • New/Transfer Student Orientation - $379 fall, $180 spring and $180 summer - Charged to all new students for costs associated with new student orientation week.
  • New/Transfer Student Assessment - $88 - onetime fee assessed to all first time students.
  • Parking - $108 for fall semester, $57 spring and $21 summer - Charged for students who register vehicles.
  • Housing Maintenance Fee - $163 per semester, fall and spring., $54 summer.
  • Transcripts - $10 - Charged for each copy of a transcript. 
  • New Student Enrollment Deposit - $150.
  • Tuition Overload Fee - Rate per hour: $658 - Charged to all students for each credit hour in excess of 18 credit hours.

Specialized Instruction Fees

  • Nursing Students - $504 per semester fall and spring $220 summer.
  • Study Abroad Program - $515 per semester fall and spring, and summer - Administrative cost for study abroad programs.
  • Applied Music - $103 Charged for individual instruction in music courses.
  • Science lab - $103 charged for each science course.
  • Hybrid Course - $30 charged for each hybrid course.
  • Online Course - $50 charged for each online course.

Enrollment Deposit

All new, transfer and readmitted students will pay a $150 enrollment deposit. For commuting students, this deposit will serve as the tuition deposit. For students residing on campus, the enrollment deposit will serve as the tuition and housing deposits. No additional deposit will be required of new, transfer or readmitted students. Once a student is not enrolled for a full academic year, a new enrollment deposit (along with an application for readmission) will be required.

The enrollment deposit is non refundable.

Books and Supplies

Books and supplies are purchased separately by each student for each course. Textbooks are available in the University Bookstore. The cost varies with the number of courses taken, but usually averages $600 per semester. All funds for books and supplies should be mailed directly to the student.

Payment of Fees

Fees for each semester are payable in advance or at registration. Arrangements for payment plans must be made with the Bursar Office prior to the time of registration.

Online Payment Service

The easiest way to make payments is using the Dillard online Payment Service at From the home page, select the Make A Payment - Secure Gateway. Electronic payments are accepted from checking and saving accounts. Major credit cards are also accepted.


All payments must be made in U. S. currency. Checks should be payable in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. Bank.

Checks/Money Orders/Cashier Checks

Money orders, checks, cashier’s checks and certified checks will be accepted for payment at the Cashier’s Office.

Credit Cards

Credit card payments are also accepted through the on-line payment services on the Dillard Web-Site. VISA, Master Card, American Express and Discover cards are accepted for payment.

Fiscal Clearance

The enrollment process is complete when fiscal clearance has been verified by the Bursar Office. Students with outstanding balances are required to choose one of two options to meet financial responsibility.

  • Option 1: Pay tuition/fees in full by published due dates.
  • Option 2: Choose the HigherOne Payment Plan; this plan offers the opportunity to spread payments, interest free, over monthly installments. Questions about the payment plan should be directed to Sallie Mae, 1-800-472-5543.

Billing Information

Dillard University students can access myDU to review billing and account information. The transactions will reflect the charges as they occur. During registration, fee payments may be made by the Dillard Web on-line payment service, by mail by published due dates, in person in the Cashier’s Office, or during centralized fee payment. Students not paying fees by the published due dates will have a late fee assessed and their class schedules purged.

Indebtedness to the University

  • Failure to meet financial obligations as scheduled will result in the following penalties:
  • Administrative hold on any future registration until debt is settled.
  • Academic records held. This includes final grade reports, transcripts and access to grades via the Internet.
  • Participation in the graduation ceremony will not be allowed, and the degree will be held until debt is settled.
  • Placement of the delinquent account with outside collection agency.
  • Fines levied by the Library, Public Safety, Student Housing and others that are not paid at the end of the current semester will be added to the student’s account.

Financial Clearance Policy for Membership Intake

Students are required to have a zero balance with the University to obtain financial clearance for membership (including Greek organizations) intake. If the balance is not zero, financial clearance will be granted if the following two conditions are met:

  • There are financial aid awards pending that will bring the account to a zero balance. Work study awards will not be considered in calculations.
  • If the student is on the tuition payment plan for the semester he/she is applying for membership in an organization, the student’s account will be examined to determine if there is an acceptable payment history. If there is a history of checks returned for insufficient funds or past due payments financial clearance will not be granted.

Financial Aid

Dillard University

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Division of Enrollment Management
2601 Gentilly Boulevard

Rosenwald Hall, Room 126
New Orleans, Louisiana 70122-3097
Phone: (504) 816-4677
Fax: (504) 816-5456

Financial Aid

Dillard University makes every effort to give financial assistance to eligible students who would otherwise be unable to attend the University. This assistance is designed to supplement what the student and the student’s family are able to contribute toward the student’s expenses. Financial aid resources at Dillard University consist of scholarships, grants, loans, and student employment.


Only students whose applications for admissions and required supporting materials have been received by the Office of Recruitment, Admissions and Programming are considered for financial assistance by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Scholarships are awarded to students who will be enrolled as full-time students. To receive aid from the federal programs, the following criteria must be met:

  • Demonstrate financial need (some loan programs do not require students to show need).
  • High school diploma or GED, or other standards established by the home state and which is in compliance with standards approved by the U.S. Department of Education.
  • U.S. citizenship or eligible non-citizen.
  • A valid social security number.
  • Satisfactory academic progress (policy included in this section).
  • Registration with Selective Service (males only).
  • No default on any federal student loan.

Dillard University participates in the following Title IV programs:

  • Federal Pell Grant Program
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • Federal Work Study
  • Federal Perkins Loan
  • Federal Direct Loan Program (Subsidized, Unsubsidized and PLUS)

Financial Need Determination

The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships uses the need analysis from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine financial need. Students must submit the FAFSA directly to the U.S. Department of Education. All information contained in this application is held in strict confidence. In addition, financial records are protected in accordance with FERPA, as amended. Financial need represents the difference between the estimated cost of attendance and the amount that the student and the student’s family are expected to contribute toward the educational costs. The factors considered in determining the types and amounts of aid received by an applicant are:

  • The availability of funds
  • The student’s analyzed financial need
  • The student’s classification and record of academic performance

Applicants desiring priority consideration should submit their applications by March 1ST to ensure timely consideration for the next academic year.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available October 1st prior to the academic year in which the student is seeking Financial Aid.  The FAFSA should be completed by March 1 for priority consideration. The FAFSA is used as the University’s application for consideration of most sources of financial assistance. It is designed to be the comprehensive financial aid application for aid programs. Detailed instructions are included on the FAFSA website. Once the FAFSA is processed, a Student Aid Report will be generated to the applicant. Financial assistance must be applied for annually. Each year the University sets a priority date for timely submission of all forms to receive full consideration for all assistance available. The priority date for all Dillard students is March 1st.

After initially applying using the FAFSA, the next year the student will be sent a Renewal FAFSA. Information about the Renewal FAFSA will be e-mailed to students by the Federal Government which will be sent to the e-mail address listed on the previous FAFSA. Fewer questions will need to be answered if information reported the previous year is still correct. Either the FAFSA or the Renewal FAFSA can be used to apply for financial assistance.


Students selected for verification by the federal government must complete a verification worksheet along with submitting the required filed tax returns transcripts from the IRS. Printed tax returns are not acceptable. Additional documentation may also be required. If a student’s aid application is selected for verification and the student is eligible for a Federal Pell grant, verification must be completed within 60 days from the last day of enrollment or August 30th, whichever is earlier. Student’s selected for verification will be sent a missing information letter which will outline what documents are needed in order to complete the verification process.  Although it is highly recommended to submit requested documents immediately, student are provided two (2) weeks for submission.   All tax return transcripts, forms and required documents must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office.  A valid Student Aid Report (SAR) must be on file.  The SAR will indicated the family’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) which is used to determine the student’s eligibility for Financial Aid.  The FAFSA must be processed, accepted and received within the eligible time limit.   Students eligible for campus-based programs and Federal Stafford loans must complete verification prior to the last day of enrollment. In addition, a valid EFC must be received by Dillard University before the last day of enrollment. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships must certify Federal Stafford loan applications before the last day of enrollment each academic period to disburse loan funds. Generally, Dillard University does not disburse awards for students who are selected for verification until the process is complete. Questions concerning verification and required documents should be referred to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Failing to complete verification by the deadlines will result in a loss of any eligibility for Federal Aid funds.

Use of Financial Aid Funds in Payment of Fees

Most financial aid (scholarships, loans and grants, etc.) is distributed in two equal disbursements. Students awarded for the academic year (Fall and Spring semesters), half of the award is credited to a student’s first semester account and the other half to the second semester account. Students who are awarded a one (1) semester Federal Direct Loan (i.e. Fall only or Spring only), their Federal Direct Loans are subject to disburse in two (2) payments within the given semester.  Additionally, first-time borrowers are subject to a 30 delayed disbursement with their Federal Direct Loan. Students who are awarded work-study will receive monthly payments by a direct credit to the student’s account or by payroll check. The total financial aid payment cannot exceed the cost of attendance as defined by federal regulations. In order to register for classes, Financial Aid recipients must pay the difference between the amount of aid credited to their account and the amount due to the University.

A student who decides not to attend the University must officially withdraw. Failure to follow this procedure will result in grades of “WF” or “FA” (failure due to excessive absences) for the semester and possible financial obligations to the University.  Students who receive WF or FA are subject to the Return of Title IV funds – meaning a calculation will be conducted to determine the amount of aid the student is and/or is not entitled to receive.   Please review the section titled “Return of Title IV” Policy. 

If a financial aid award is reduced or eliminated due to ineligibility determined after registration, the student will be responsible for paying the financial obligations.

Credit Balances

Dillard University disburses Title IV funds by crediting a student’s account. Those funds that exceed tuition, fees, room and board, and other authorized charges, will be refunded to the student or parent in accordance with Title IV federal guidelines.

All debts to the University must be satisfied prior to qualifying for a refund. There may be some instances where changes to a student’s account may occur after a refund is processed (housing/meal plan changes, financial aid and adjustments, etc.). Such changes may result in a balance due to the University.

Additionally, any credit balance from the current term created by Title IV funds cannot be applied to an outstanding balance from a prior term greater than $200. Students or parents who receive a refund triggered by the disbursement of Title IV funds, therefore, still owe a balance to the university. Upon receipt of a refund, students should verify whether any balance remains on the account and, if so, promptly submit payment to avoid account holds.

All refunds payable to the student or parent will be processed through the student’s account: including housing refunds, financial aid, tuition refunds, etc. Checks or ACH will be generated from student accounts by the 14TH day of the credit balance.

Financial Aid Packaging

Packages of aid may consist of a combination of scholarships, grants, loans and employment. This aid packaging concept enables the University to make more funds available to a larger number of applicants. The FAFSA form is required for consideration for scholarships, grants, and loans. Recipients of aid must reapply each year. Timely submission of the FAFSA and all information requested is required to receive the largest award possible. Scholarship recipients will receive renewals based on the criteria of the particular award. Dillard University reserves the right to reduce or rescind award packages to remain in compliance with federal, state and institutional aid.

Application Procedure

To be awarded financial assistance of any kind, it is necessary for the applicant to follow the steps listed:

- Step 1: Get admitted or re-admitted, if applicable. A student must be admitted to the University to receive a financial aid offer.

- Step 2: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).The FAFSA can be completed by going online at Dillard’s school code is 002004.

- Step 3: Accept or decline the financial aid offer, if applicable and send the required enrollment deposits, if applicable.

- Step 4: If applying for a federal loan, complete a Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling at

Transfer students are eligible for various forms of financial aid, including academic scholarships.

Priority Dates

State grant funds are limited, as are funds for Federal Work Study programs, Federal Perkins Loans, and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants. To receive consideration for those funds, submit the FAFSA early enough to ensure processing by the dates listed below. It is suggested that the FAFSA be completed approximately three (3) weeks prior to the dates listed below:

  • March 1 - Fall and Spring
  • October 15 - Spring Semester
  • March 1 - Summer Session

Grant Programs Federal Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant is federally funded and based upon financial need. Pell Grants are made to eligible, degree-seeking undergraduate students only based on information submitted annually on the FAFSA. As of the printing of this catalog, the maximum grant eligibility award was $5,775. Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for the current amount. Student eligibility is determined by a schedule developed by the U.S. Department of Education.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

The Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant is for undergraduate students enrolled at least half-time who demonstrate exceptional financial need. Grants range between $200 and $4,000.

Scholarship Programs

Scholarships are derived from four general sources:

  1. Endowed funds,
  2. Non-endowed funds,
  3. Gifts and grants, and
  4. Current operating funds.

Some of these funds are available for students’ awards regardless of major, while the remainder is restricted by legal agreement with the benefactor, donor, or grantor only to those students who meet specific requirements. Students are encouraged to apply scholarships using the following websites:

The United Negro College Fund offers a variety of scholarship opportunities.

Fast web is a free scholarship Search Program.

Institutional Scholarships

Dillard University offers a variety of merit and talent based scholarships to entering freshman and transfer students. The scholarship program seeks to reward students who have demonstrated academic excellence through competitive grade point averages, test scores, and those students who have solid recommendations from counselors and teachers. The scholarships are four-year, renewable in varying amounts from full-tuition, room & board, to partial tuition scholarships.

University Scholarship: 

Presidential Scholarship:

Dean Scholarship: 

Merit Scholarship: 

Dillard University Grants: 

Talent-Based Scholarship: Amounts vary (Art, Music, and Theatre Arts)

Athletic Scholarship: 

Spouses and Dependent Children of Dillard Faculty and Staff Scholarships

The University provides up to full tuition waiver for the spouses and dependent children of its faculty and staff personnel. Applications for scholarship assistance must be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships by March 1. The Tuition Waiver application can be picked up from the office of Human Resources. Scholarships under this program will not be awarded for more than four (4) years (8 semesters). All applicants must complete the FAFSA before scholarship assistance can be provided. Scholarship benefits for children and spouses will be awarded, minus the total amount of any scholarships and federal grants, if any, for which the dependent qualifies and receives. University scholarships to legal dependents and spouses are not available to cover tuition for summer school. Contact the Human Resources Office for more information or an application.

Outside Scholarship and/or State Aid Funds

Funds from Non-Dillard Sources

Some departments at Dillard have awards arranged through private foundation or public agencies. Eligibility for these awards is limited to study in particular academic departments or specific fields of specialization. Additionally, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships nominates students to receive scholarships from private foundations or public agencies. For further information on these and other funds from non-Dillard sources contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Nursing Student Loan (NSL)

Nursing Student Loans are available to nursing students enrolled at the clinical level. No interest charges accrue until the repayment period begins at which time interest is assessed at the rate of 5% per year on the unpaid balance of the loan. Repayment may be made on a monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual basis beginning nine months after the borrower ceases to be a full-time student. The length of the repayment period varies according to the total amount borrowed, but it may not exceed ten years.

Federal Direct Stafford Loan

Federal Stafford Loans are obtained though the United States Department of Education. Eligibility is limited to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are enrolled in coursework that satisfies degree requirements and engaged at least in half-time study. Current regulations permits borrowing up to $3,500 as a freshman, $4,500 for sophomores and $5,500 for juniors and seniors. An additional $2,000 unsubsidized loan is available to all eligible students. A dependent undergraduate may borrow a maximum of $23,000 in Stafford subsidized loans. In all cases, all accruing interest is paid to the lender by the government until the borrower begins repaying the loan. Repayment is deferred until six months after the borrower has graduated, withdrawn from study, or entered less than half-time enrollment. The interest rate changes every July 1, and there may be an origination fee of 3% deducted from the gross loan amount. The length of the repayment period varies according to the total amount borrowed.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan

Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loans are for independent student borrowers. Dependent borrowers whose parents are denied the PLUS loan are also eligible to borrow this loan. Current regulation permits unsubsidized borrowers up to $4,000 per year as freshman and sophomores and $5,000 as juniors and seniors. Unlike the subsidized loan, interest accrues while the student is in school.

Please note that the aggregated limit in which an undergraduate dependent student can borrow is $31,000 and $57,500 for an independent student or a dependent student whose parent has been denied the Parent Loan (PLUS).  Student may not exceed more than $23,000 through the Federal Subsidized Loan Program.  The Federal Unsubsidized amount is in addition to the Subsidized Stafford Loan and unlike the subsidized loan; interest is accruing on the loan while the student is in school.

Federal Direct PLUS Loan (Parent Loan)

Plus Loans are for parents (and stepparents) who want to borrow to help pay funds for their child’s educational expenses. Current regulations allow PLUS borrowers to borrow up to the cost of the education for each dependent child enrolled at least half-time in an eligible institution, minus any aid already awarded.

Student Employment

The primary purpose of the Federal Work Study Program is to stimulate and promote the part-time employment of students. In order to qualify, students must demonstrate financial need. During the summer or other vacation periods, full-time employment is sometimes possible. The basic pay rate is usually the existing federal minimum hourly wage. Those students who meet the March 1 deadline and show a high need are given first priority. Students are placed in jobs both on and off campus.

Institutional Policy on Refund of Fees and Return of Title IV Funds

Refund of Fees:  Students may be due refunds for the following reasons:

A. Withdrawal – When a student has dropped all courses after the 14th class day for fall and spring semester or 7th class day for the summer session this is referred to as a withdrawal, regardless to the reason for the withdrawal.

When a student officially withdraws from the University, a refund of the university tuition and other specialized instructional fees (not paid by financial aid) for the class(es) in which the student is currently enrolled may be made as follows:

Fall and Spring Semesters

  • Prior to class starting if a student officially withdraws, the student will receive a 100% refund on tuition.
  • Any withdrawals made after the 14th class day, tuition will not have any adjustments.  However, a Return of Title IV Calculation must be performed for Federal Student Aid recipients.  This process determines the amount that must be refunded (returned) to the Federal Government and/or the amount that can be retained and applied toward the student’s balance to the University. 

Students are advised to withdraw officially through proper academic channels. An official withdrawal form should be properly executed by the student, approved by the authorized officials and presented to the university registrar. The student identification card should be presented to the university cashier at the time of withdrawal.

Refunds will be based on the date the student receives approval for withdrawal in the Registrar’s Office regardless of the date of last attendance. Failure to attend classes does not constitute official withdrawal from the University. Also, withdrawal does not cancel an unpaid balance.

Return of Title IV Policy (Federal Financial Aid Title IV Recipients)

Federal Regulations require schools participating in the Student Financial Aid Programs to use specific refund policies when a student who receives Federal Financial Aid ceases attendance. There is no cancellation of awards and all Federal Aid is included in this process.  The tuition, fees, room and board and financial aid awards, except work-study, will be prorated for an official withdrawal that occurs after the 14th class day (3rd class day during the Summer) for the respective term based on the number of calendar days completed for the semester divided by the number of days in the semester. The refund will consist of a pro rata share of the tuition and fees paid, less charges, prior to the official withdrawal date, in accordance with the current Return of Title IV Aid Refund Policy. If funds are released to a student because of a credit balance on the student’s account, then the student may be required to repay some of the federal grants released to the student.

Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) Policy

Students earn their federal financial aid based on the percentage of the term that they have completed. Students who wish to completely withdraw from their courses must officially withdraw at the Records and Registration Office. A student who completely withdraws (on or after the first day of class and up to the 60% point of the term, may have to return a portion of their unearned federal financial aid. They may owe tuition, fees or a repayment of federal funds.

A Return of Title IV Funds calculation determines the percentage of financial aid students have earned. This is based on the number of calendar days students attended, divided by the number of days in the enrollment period. For example, if a student completed 20% of the payment period, they earn 20% of the federal funds that they were originally scheduled to receive.  The remaining percentage is subject to R2T4 calculations.

In order to determine the amount of the semester a student completed, the Return of Title IV Funds calculation will use the student’s last date of attendance. For students who officially withdraw, the date of withdraw will be considered the student’s last date of attendance for calculation purposes. For students who do not officially withdraw, ceases enrollment and a date is not determined, then it is assumed that the student attended 50% of the enrollment period.  Otherwise the date documented and provided by the instructor will be used. Students who do not earn any passing grades, and have a combination of F, WF and FA grades, are considered to be “unofficial withdrawals”.  Their federal aid eligibility will be recalculated as described in this policy.

Dillard University must return funds to the Federal Government, based on calculations, up to the total net amount from each source, in the following order: Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan, Subsidized Federal Direct Loan, PLUS Loan, Pell Grant, Federal SEOG and any other Title IV programs. The return of funds must be completed no later than 45 days after the date the school determined the student withdrew.

The school will return the lesser amount of the aid that is required to be returned, as compared to the institutional charges, multiplied by the percentage of unearned aid. The student will also be responsible for returning a percentage of unearned financial aid. This amount will be the difference between the amount of Title IV aid due from the school, and the amount of Title IV aid to be returned. Dillard University will return funds to the Federal Government on the student’s behalf that a student is required to repay.  However, this will create a receivable owed to Dillard University by the student.  Federal Student Loan funds that are not included in the R2T4 calculation will be funds that the student is responsible for repaying back to the government in accordance with the terms of the promissory note.

Post Withdrawal Disbursement:

If the student did not receive all of the funds earned, they may be due a post-withdrawal disbursement. If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, the institution must get the student’s permission before the funds can be disbursed. The student may choose to decline all, or part, of the loan funds, so they do not incur additional debt. Students who wish to have loan funds credited to their account will need to make the request in writing to the Financial Aid Office within 14 calendar days of receiving their notification letter.

There are some Title IV funds that a student may have been scheduled to receive that cannot be disbursed to a student once they have completely withdrawn because of other eligibility requirements. For example, if a student is a first-time, first year, undergraduate student and has not completed the first 30 days of their program before they withdraw, they will not receive any Federal Direct Loan funds that they would have received, if they had remained enrolled past the 30th day.

Once the institution has determined that a student has completely withdrawn, a Return of Title IV Funds calculation will be performed within 45 days. The institution will notify the student in writing of their revised eligibility after the Return of Title IV Funds calculation is completed. If the student owes unpaid tuition and fees, the student will be billed and my review myDU to confirm any outstanding balance.

A. Order of Return:

The funds due to the Title IV programs or the institution will be returned in the following order:

  • Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
  • Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan
  • Federal Perkins Loan
  • Direct PLUS Loan
  • Federal SEOG
  • Other Title IV assistance
  • Institutional Scholarships/Grants
  • State Scholarships
  • Federal Pell Grant

B. Schedule Change Refunds - reduction of number of hours taken.

Student schedule changes that require reductions in fee assessments will be refunded at 100% if such changes are made before the first class day (3rd day during summer). Students due a university fee refund because of a course cancellation should contact the Bursar Office.

C. Military Service Refund, Institutional Charges and Refunds

A full refund of required tuition, fees, and other institutional charges, or a credit in a comparable amount against future charges will be given to students who are forced to withdraw from school as a result of the military mobilization.

Return of Title IV Funds Treatment - Military

If a Title IV eligible student withdraws because of being called to active duty, or has been otherwise impacted by military mobilization (such as a change of duty station away from the borrower’s home), the school must perform the Return of Title IV Funds calculations that are required. If those calculations result in the school being required to return funds to one or more of the Title IV programs, it must do so. If these calculations result in an overpayment that is the responsibility of the student to repay, the school should not contact the student or notify NSLDS.

Federal regulations require schools participating in the Student Federal Aid Programs to use specific policies when a student who receives Federal Financial Aid ceases attendance. Schools must specify “MILITARY MOBILIZATION” as the reason for the overpayment in Part 5 of the overpayment referral format.

D. Deceased Student Refund

The Deceased Student Refund policy follows the same guidelines as Military Service Refund.

E. Room and Board Refund

Should the resident officially withdraw from the University, or be required to leave due to circumstances beyond the resident’s control, or should the resident be required to leave for misconduct and/or discipline, the Bursar Office may approve a refund of housing fees. This refund will be made in accordance with the refund schedule below. All refunds of housing fees are contingent upon compliance with Student Affairs policies and procedures. Federal Regulations require schools participating in the Student Financial Aid Programs to use specific refund policies when a student who receives Federal Financial Aid ceases attendance.(See section entitled “Federal Financial Aid Title IV Recipients/Policy”)

Fall and Spring Semesters (Housing)


1st class day to 7th class day





1st class day to 3rd class day

Process for Appealing Refund Determinations

Students and/or parents who feel that individual circumstances warrant exceptions from normal policy may appeal by completing an appeal form and submitting documentation to support the appeal. Appeal forms may be obtained in the Offices of Records and Registration, Financial Aid and Scholarships, and Business and Finance. To ensure compliance with Federal Regulations, all appeals must be approved by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, and the Office of Business and Finance.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to Maintain Financial Aid Eligibility

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for financial aid is defined as passing a required number of hours and achieving a required grade point average during any semester or academic year. The minimum progress standards will be reviewed once at the end of every semester. All semesters attended including all credits accepted and transferred to Dillard must be considered in making a satisfactory progress determination without regard to whether or not the student received aid in a given semester. Also, Academic Progress through Academic Affairs and Financial Aid SAP are independent and separate from others. See the Office of Academic Affairs for the policy on Academic Probation.

There are three components to the University’s SAP policy:





Component 1: Qualitative Standard

Each student must meet the cumulative grade point average to remain eligible for federal aid



Attempted Hours

Required GPA



First-Year Students

0 through 29





30 through 60




Juniors & Seniors

61 and above



*Students are required to have an overall 2.00 GPA at the end of their first sophomore year.

Component 2: Quantitative Standard

Each student must successfully pass a minimum of 70% of their credit hours attempted during the preceding fall and spring semesters at the University (rounded to the next highest number). Drops, Withdrawals, Incompletes, repeated and non-credit remedial coursework will be counted toward the hours attempted. Transfer credits are also used in determining compliance with the University’s SAP policy. Transfer credits are counted as attempted and earned credits for SAP purposes.

Component 3: Maximum Time Frame

Students are expected to complete degree requirements within a reasonable time-frame based on the average length of their program. Students must complete graduation requirements in no more than 150% of the average length of their program: For example: students requiring 124 credits to graduate from a program may not attempt more than 186 hours and still receive aid. In the event the student elects to change his/her major, all attempted hours, including transfer credits, withdrawals, repeated courses, will be counted in the evaluation of the 150% time- frame.

SAP Process

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is reviewed at the end of each semester.  Students who fail to maintain the required SAP Policy standards (GPA, Ratio or Graduate within the maximum timeframe) will receive the following action(s):

WARNING Period:  Students who fail to maintain SAP after one term will be placed on Financial Aid SAP warning.  During the SAP Warning periods student are eligible to receive Financial Aid. 

PROBATION Period:  Students who fail to reach the required SAP requirements after the warning period will be placed on SAP Probation.  During the Probation Period students are ineligible to receive financial aid.  However, if the student has experienced extenuating circumstances that caused the student to fall in an academic deficit, then the student may submit a SAP Appeal (see details below).  If the appeal is approved then financial aid can be reinstated for the subsequent semester.  Students may be required to complete additional requirements which will be stipulated in the SAP Appeal approval.

If the required standards are not met after the probationary period, the financial aid will be suspended. To regain eligibility, the student must enroll at Dillard University at his/her own expense.

SUSPENSION Period:  Students who have been placed on SAP Suspension will lose eligibility for federal aid. Financial Aid Suspension does not prevent a student from enrolling in classes at Dillard University if the student is academically eligibility to re-enroll. However, students on Financial Aid Suspension are ineligible to receive federal student aid.

SAP Appeal

Students exhibiting extenuating circumstances may be granted an appeal, which, if approved, will allow the student to be placed on Financial Aid Probation with an appeal for an additional semester. To apply for an appeal, students may obtain the Appeal Form online, in the Financial Aid Office or may contact their financial aid counselor to obtain an appeals form. The appeals form must be turned in along with a written statement detailing your circumstance(s) and with documentation to substantiate your situation. Examples of extenuating circumstances may include, but is not limited to, death of an immediate family member or prolonged illness and/or hospitalization of the student. SAP will be re-evaluated at the end of the student’s enrolled semester in which the appeal was approved.  At the end of the semester the student must be meeting SAP on his/her own (as stipulated in the SAP Policy), unless otherwise specified in the approved appeal. If the required standards are not met after the probationary period, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension.

Appeal statements must be a typed letter explaining why they are requesting an appeal, what circumstance(s) occurred and measures put into place to prohibit the reoccurrence (if applicable).  The statement must be dated and signed. No appeal will be accepted without documentation. Student statements without supporting documentation will be denied and returned to the student. Requests received after the deadline for review without prior approval from the Financial Aid Appeal’s Chair, will be returned to the student with no decision made. Students will be notified in writing of the outcome of the appeals procedure. If a financial aid appeal is denied, the following steps must be completed to reestablish eligibility, and the following criteria must be met:

  1. Regain SAP compliance at their own expense at Dillard University and meet the minimum financial aid SAP requirements hours and GPA. Staying out of school a semester will not change eligibility status. Transferring in additional credits from another institution will not change eligibility status. For more information on Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid, Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
  2. Complete an approved Academic Success Action Plan.

The decision of the Financial Aid Appeals Committee is final. In rare occasions, students may meet with the Financial Aid Director to discuss their file.  The Director’s function is to ensure the Appeal’s Committee remain in compliance of Federal Regulations.

Regain Eligibility

To regain eligibility, the student will have to come into compliance with the University’s SAP Policy.   

Other Information

Financial Aid Disbursement

Financial aid is disbursed through the University’s Business & Finance Office at the beginning of each semester. Most aid is disbursed as a direct credit to the student’s account. All required documents must be received in the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships before any disbursements can be made to a student’s account.

Employment Projections

Information regarding employment projections can be reviewed through the Office of Career and Professional Development. Various local employment information and beginning salary levels for Dillard University graduates are also available at the Office of Career and Professional Development.

Campus Security Report

Information regarding campus security policies and campus crime statistics is available through the Office of Public Safety.

Completion and Graduation Rate

Information concerning the completion and graduation rate is available through the Office of Records and Registration. Also available is the completion rate for athletics students.

Computer Accounts

The Office of Information Technology and Telecommunications provides all Dillard students e-mail accounts, cable and access to the Internet. If you have questions, please contact the helpdesk via Email Contact the library at 504-816-4784 or via email at for remote access to library resources. Students are encouraged to protect their passwords.

Identification (ID) Cards

Each student is issued a university identification card at registration. Students, faculty, and staff are required to display their identification cards at all times, and, when asked, present to a university official. Lost or stolen identification cards must be replaced within ten (10) business days.

Study Abroad

Financial aid is available for Study Aboard programs. Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for more information.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Information concerning prevention of drug and alcohol abuse is available through the Office of Student Success.


Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations

Loss of Eligibility Due to a Drug Conviction - A student, who is convicted of a state or federal offense involving the possession or sale of an illegal drug that occurred while the student was enrolled in school and receiving Title IV aid, is not eligible for Title IV funds. [An illegal drug is a controlled substance as defined by the Controlled Substance Act and does not include alcohol and tobacco.]

A borrower’s eligibility is based on the student’s self-certification on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Convictions that are reversed, set aside or removed from the student’s record, or a determination arising from a juvenile court proceeding do not affect eligibility and do not need to be reported by the student.

A student who is convicted of a drug-related offense that occurred while the student was enrolled in school and receiving Title IV aid loses Title IV eligibility as follows:


Possession of Illegal Drugs

Sale of Illegal Drugs

1st Offense

1 year from date of conviction

2 years from date of conviction

2nd Offense

2 years from date of conviction

Indefinite period from date of 2nd conviction

3+ Offenses

Indefinite period from date of 3rd conviction



Regaining Eligibility After a Drug Conviction

A student regains eligibility the day after the period of ineligibility ends or when he successfully completes a qualified drug rehabilitation program that includes passing two unannounced drug tests given by such a program. Further drug convictions will again make him ineligible.

Students denied eligibility for an indefinite period can regain it, either after successfully completing a rehabilitation program (as described below, which includes passing two unannounced drug tests from such a program), or if a conviction is reversed, set aside, or removed from the student’s record so that fewer than two convictions for sale or three convictions for possession remain on the record. In such cases, the nature and dates of the remaining convictions will determine when the student regains eligibility. It is the student’s responsibility to certify with the financial aid office that she has successfully completed the rehabilitation program.


Refund Policy

The refund and repayment policy for students receiving Title IV federal funds is listed in this catalog and is available in the Bursar Office.

Statement of Rights

Students may review their financial aid records at any time. Students have the right to:

  • Request the amendment of their records to ensure they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights.
  • Consent to disclose personally identifiable information contained in their records, except to the extent that Family Education Rights Privacy Acts (FERPA) authorizes disclosure without consent.
  • File with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint alleging failure by the school to comply with requirements of FERPA.
  • Obtain a copy of the FERPA policy from the Office of Records and Registration.
  • Appeal any financial aid awarded if special circumstances warrant a review.
  • Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships if they should have any questions.
  • Obtain a copy of campus crime statistics from the Office of Public Safety.
  • Obtain a copy of the placement rates from Center for Career and Professional Development.
  • Obtain a copy of graduation rates from the Office of Academic Affairs or the Center for Career and Professional Development.

Code of Conduct

  • Dillard University does not enter into revenue sharing arrangements with banking institutions.
  • Dillard University employees do not accept gifts of more than nominal value from lenders, guarantors and loan servicers.
  • Dillard University employees do not receive compensation for consulting services to lenders.
  • Dillard University employees do not assign lenders or have a preferred lender list for private loans.
  • Dillard University employees will not refuse to certify a private loan based on the borrower’s choice of lender.
  • Dillard University employees will not participate in opportunity pools with loan servicers.
  • Dillard University does not contract lending institutions to perform call centers or other financial aid office staff functions.
  • Dillard University does not compensate advisory board members, except for reasonable expenses incurred as a result of that service, such as travel expenses.
  • The Dillard University Student Code of Conduct can be found in the student handbook.