Feb 15, 2025  
2021 - 2023 Academic Catalog 
2021 - 2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Success

The mission of the Division of Student Success is to foster student success by engaging students in learning opportunities that enhance their personal, social, cultural, moral, physical and cognitive growth. The Division of Student Success strives to provide services and programs that support students’ educational aspirations and foster students’ academic and personal success, as well as promote student leadership development and aid in providing students with a successful collegiate experience. The Division of Student Success strives to create a campus environment that is both supportive and stimulating and provides a range of experiences in which personal development strives and learning flourishes.

The Division of Student Success provides central leadership and guidance of student services at Dillard University, which includes the direction of divisional strategic planning, facilitation of interdepartmental interaction, coordination of student support and crisis intervention and referral and facilitation of divisional and student life assessment efforts. The office is an important contact point when a student’s need is apparent and it is not clear where to turn for help. Staff in the office coordinates specific programming and initiatives that promote academic integrity, self-awareness and growth and connection to the Dillard community and the greater New Orleans community.

The Division of Student Success believes university students of all ages and backgrounds are engaged in a process of growth and change. The extent and intensity of each student’s involvement in academic pursuits and other aspects of student life determine in large measure the degree of individual student success attained. While students are ultimately responsible for their own lives, the campus environment is formative and instrumental in their efforts to achieve academic success and personal success; therefore, the Division of Student Success commits to aiding in students’ success by providing opportunities that facilitate the growth, change and development of all students. Opportunities are provided to students through the following areas:

Center for Career and Professional Development

The Center for Career and Professional Development supports the holistic development of students by guiding them through the career and professional development process in an effort to prepare them for entry into graduate or professional schools, as well as into the global marketplace.

The process includes student guidance from the first through the fourth year of college by providing awareness of career development exploration opportunities, professional development activities and leadership experiences to assist in clarifying values and setting goals for career decisions.

Beginning in their first year, students are guided through a career decision-making process that begins with the selection of a major, adjusting to university life, and preparing for the world of work and life after Dillard.

Emphasis is placed on training and developing Dillard University students for internships, professional employment, and graduate/professional school admissions. Through the infusion of career planning and initiatives into student life, students are empowered to advance their career goals.

The Center for Career and Development sponsors the following initiatives that will help students develop successful career and academic strategies.:

  • Alumni Career Network
  • Career exploration
  • Community Service
  • Graduate or professional school preparation
  • Internship opportunities
  • Resume Writing

Community Service

Community Service is an essential component of the Dillard University educational experience and is a requirement for graduation. Students are required to complete a total of 90 hours of community service.

The 90 hours of community service is monitored and collected by the Center for Career and Professional Development. Community service is generally a volunteer action by participation in activities like, community walks, Habitat for Humanity events, volunteering at non-profit community agencies, tutoring, or other similar activities. Community service experiences are unpaid, and hours must not be awarded in lieu of students receiving pay for actual work experiences. Community service projects must be approved prior to the beginning of a project in order to ensure that it does not supersede paid work experiences and that the activity serves a broad constituent group.

Community Service Approval Process:

  1. Submit the Dillard University Community Service Registration form. The form must be submitted prior to the start of any community activity. The form can be submitted by a student organization, but must be signed by a university advisor. Failure to do so will result in the loss of community service hours.
  2. All students must sign a Travel Waiver form prior to participating in any community service event, activity, or project that will be held off campus. Failure to submit the form will result in the loss of community service hours.
  3. A DU Community Service form should be submitted 72 hours after the event or activity has taken place.
  4. Make copies of all forms (for your records) that you submit for community service.
  5. Students should check their transcript through myDU to ensure that their hours have been posted to their transcript.
  6. Community service hours are submitted at the end of every semester to the Office of Records and Registration. That office places the hours onto the Dillard University transcript.
  7. All community service paperwork must be submitted to the office prior to the end of the semester that the community service occurred. Failure to do so will result in the loss of hours.
  8. All paperwork for community service must be submitted to the Center for Career and Professional Development.

Community Service - Transfer Students

Community service is also required of all transfer students into Dillard University. At the time of transfer, if a student falls into one of the categories below, the number of hours required are:

  • Sophomore: 90 hours of community service
  • Junior: 60 hours of community service
  • Senior: 30 hours of community service

Educational Talent Search

The Dillard University Educational Talent Search Program is a federally-funded outreach program administered by the U.S. Department of Education. The program identifies and assists middle and high school students eligible under low income federal guidelines or underrepresented groups who seek postsecondary educational opportunities. Talent Search students have the desire and potential to succeed in higher education. The program provides academic, career, and financial counseling to its student participants and encourages them to graduate from high school and then continue on to a postsecondary institution. Educational Talent Search also serves high school dropouts by encouraging them to re-enter the educational system to complete their education. The goal of the program is to increase the number of youths from disadvantaged backgrounds who complete high school and enroll in postsecondary education institutions of their choice.

Educational Talent Search provides academic and enrichment services in cooperation with targeted schools in Orleans and Jefferson Parishes. Most services are conducted at the target schools. In addition, students have the opportunity to receive supplemental academic services on the Dillard University campus.

The student must complete an application and be documented as low-income under the program’s federal guidelines. In addition, the student must be in grades 6-12; or a student drop-out (up to age 27) seeking re-entry services or a veteran.

Dillard University and Educational Talent Search have been committed to service and education in the community for over 30 years, providing growth and development for student participants in completing their post-secondary and vocational education.

For more information regarding the Dillard University Educational Talent Search Program, call (504) 816-4818.

Eighth Grade Initiative

As a collaborative with the TRiO programs, the Dillard University Pre-Collegiate: Eighth Grade Initiative is a cutting edge, pre-collegiate program designed to encourage students from various backgrounds to successfully matriculate through middle/high school and enroll in college. The students remain in the program until their matriculation into Dillard University.

The following services are provided to participants.

  • Career Exploration
  • College preparation seminars
  • Mentoring
  • Parent Workshops
  • Personal Counseling and Support
  • Standardized test preparation
  • Tutorial Services in reading, writing, math and science
  • Test-taking and study skills workshops

For additional information regarding the Pre-Collegiate Emerging Scholar Program, call (504) 816-4306 or (504) 816-4714.

Office of Public Safety

The Office of Public Safety provides a staff of armed officers who monitor and patrol the campus 24 hours a day. The primary responsibility of these officers is to protect the life and property of students, faculty, staff and visitors. The Office of Public Safety is also responsible for enhancing student’s educational experiences by providing information sessions and workshops on safety, security and emergency preparedness that will assist them on and off the campus. The campus is a closed campus with guarded entrances 24 hours a day. Persons needing assistance may contact the office at 504-816-4911.

Parking Enforcement

Parking enforcement regulations are enforced from 7 am to 7 pm, Monday through Friday. In addition, handicapped parking regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Student Affairs

Judicial Affairs

Judicial Affairs strives to make Dillard a just and positive community that focuses on conflict resolution. The University believes that one’s actions demonstrate one’s commitment to respecting differences and individuals must be responsible for their behavior and accountable for their actions. Everyone who chooses to participate in and or visit the Dillard community must abide by the policies and practices designed to ensure a safe, educational and comfortable existence.

Dillard students are governed by the University’s Student Code of Conduct as well as University policies and procedures. Each student is responsible for reading the Dillard University Student Handbook and the University Catalog and for abiding by the University’s, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.

Recreation, Health and Wellness

The mission of Recreation, Health and Wellness is to enhance the quality of life for the Dillard University family and its community members by providing active and passive recreational, educational, and cultural activities. RHW’s objective is to provide recreational activities and facilities that are safe, accessible, and aesthetically pleasing to the entire Dillard family, including:

  • Aquatics
  • Club Sports
  • Group and Individual Fitness
  • Intramural and Extramural Sports

Residential Life

The mission of the Office of Residential Life is to provide a safe, secure, and healthy living environment for students that enhance learning and development through community service, quality programming, and academic support. The office provides oversight of:

  • Residence Halls
  • Residence Hall Association (RHA)
  • Resident Assistants

Student Engagement and Leadership Development

The Office of Student Engagement and Leadership Development is committed to learning beyond the classroom by providing students opportunities to actively engage in orientation and leadership development programs, student governance, and clubs and organizations.

Student Union

The Student Union serves Dillard University as a community center, bringing together students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the surrounding community. Its core values are: student engagement, development and success; communication; learning; and building community.

Student Support Services

The Office of Student Support Services provides the following academic enhancement programs for eligible students.

  • Academic, career, personal, and graduate-school counseling
  • Access to financial assistance programs
  • Cultural enrichment activities
  • Instruction in reading, writing, mathematics, natural sciences, and study skills
  • Support services for the Emerging Scholars summer program

In addition, workshops and seminars are offered throughout the academic year and include such topics as:

  • Career exploration
  • Essay writing
  • Graduate-school information
  • Mathematics study techniques
  • Note-taking strategies
  • Study Skills
  • Test-taking strategies
  • Textbook reading strategies
  • Time management

Student Support Services participants must have a need for academic and/or counseling support services. To be eligible, students must also meet one of the following criteria as defined by federal guidelines:

  • Be a disabled student (documentation required).
  • Be a first-generation college student, i.e., neither parent or guardian has a four-year college degree;
  • Fall within income limits set by the U.S. Department of Education; or

For more information regarding Student Support Services, call (504) 816-4715.

Behavioral Health and Wellness

The Counseling Suite staff provides counseling and crisis intervention services to Dillard University students. The staff incorporates into their practice and programming awareness, respect, and valuing of cultural differences.

Key to Success: Single Parent Residential Program

This retention program is for single parents enrolled at Dillard University. This program addresses the challenges faced by single parent college students through campus housing, workshops, seminars, and cultural enrichment experiences. For more information regarding Keys to Success, call (504) 816-4118.

Office of Disabilities Services

Dillard University is committed to following the requirements of the American and Disabilities Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and all other applicable federal and/or state laws, rules and regulations. The University is committed to providing accommodations for eligible individuals with documented disabilities as defined by federal and state laws in the most timely and effective manner and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The University’s intent is to ensure that every applicant for enrollment who makes a request for accommodations is promptly and properly advised of the accommodation process.

All requests for accommodations must be submitted to the Office of Disability Services. Requests for accommodations must be in writing on the appropriate form(s) and with the appropriate supporting documentation for consideration and/or review; documentations must be dated within three years of request. The review of the request may, at the discretion of the University, include an evaluation and determination of the scope of the disability and, if appropriate, request for additional medical documentation, examinations and/or options in accordance with applicable law and regulations. In order to request program services, please feel free to contact the Office of Disability Services, Student Union, Room 270, (504) 816-4370.

University Chaplain and VisionQuest Chaplain

The Office of the University Chaplain provides a lively worship service in Lawless Chapel every Sunday the University is in session. Worship time is 6:00 p.m.; Communion is offered once a month for the whole community. The style of the worship arises from the two denominations to which the University is related, the United Methodist Church and the United Church of Christ. The worship experience also reflects the needs and preferences of the congregation that includes Baptist, Catholic, Methodist and other faiths which reflects the cultural exuberance of the student body. The VisionQuest Chorale and Liturgical Dancers provide the music and dance for worship, and also perform in and beyond the city.

The University Chaplain provides spiritual counseling, religious programming and is the head of the Council of Chaplains, which includes all residence hall, class, student organizations and Greek organization chaplains as well as the Student Government Association Chaplain. The Chaplain is also involved in VisionQuest, a program designed to help students in pursuing ordained, music, or lay ministries, and to assist all students to find the work and the life to which God has called them.


VisionQuest is a program designed to help students who are considering ordained, music, or lay ministry, and to assist all students to find the work and the life to which God has called them. This work is accomplished through the VisionQuest Chorale (singers) and Liturgical Dance Company, guest speakers and artists (ex.: Lecretia Campbell, Donald Lawrence, Richard Smallwood, Jeremiah Wright), civic engagement opportunities, a newsletter (The 21ST Century Seeker) and the Leadership Institute. The Leadership Institute is a series of three 5-to-7 hour workshops designed to strengthen personal and professional leadership skills. VisionQuest is housed in the Office of the University Chaplain, in Lawless Chapel.

Upward Bound

Dillard University extends its commitment to education in the community through the federally funded Upward Bound program. The overall goal of Upward Bound, one of Dillard’s premier TRiO programs, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, is to guide local high school students academically and socially as they continue through high school, and to motivate them to seek a postsecondary education. During the academic year, participants report to campus on Saturdays to receive comprehensive instruction in math, science, composition and literature, and world languages.

Further, participants attend a weekly session to receive assistance with their homework. In the summer, students participate in six weeks of academic enrichment taking classes that prepare them for the next grade level, a residential stay on campus, and a series of college tours. Dillard students often serve as tutors and mentors.

Throughout the year, Upward Bound staff organize various cultural and volunteer service projects for the participants. The staff makes every effort to encourage Upward Bound participants to embrace learning, and fully assist them with preparing for the transition from high school to college. For more information regarding the Dillard University Upward Bound Program, call (504) 816-4622 for assistance.